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- Daily Spread via Cartomancy 5/6//2023
9 of Swords (The Death Card) - This energy is all about an ending of some sort, to an outside party and/or individual. This ending can come in the form of strong finality and conflict resolution and yes even death. Whatever this ending may be, this will serve as justice and judication to those who were perpetrated against, inevitably causing a new beginning for that individual. Air Sign Energy (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius). Soul Space Energy - The total embodiment of our truest form, our All Being. Keyword (Anima): Getting in touch with your emotions. Think about your emotions and share them, using discernment as to who gets this privilege and honor. The number 6 speaks to finding and maintaining balance. Remember, balance is subjective to the individual and not a shared energy unless there is some sort Soul Destined Contract inclusive of another. Reducing 6 to 3 is finding and maintaining clarity. It can also reveal conflict, chaos and mess brought on by outside 3rd party energies. 9 of Pentacles (The Debtor) - This energy speaks directly to debt that is owed to an individual or individuals, from ill gotten means regarding 3rd party energies. When this card comes out, this is usually Spirit demanding that this debt is to be and will be paid through karmic measures if necessary. Divine order and justice. Earth Sign Energy (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus). Earth Energy - Pertains to things of a physical nature such as finances, business and property, things that are tangible. It can even reflect one's health where applicable. Keyword (Opportunity): A chance to improve, to become more. Overcoming challenges and obstacles. Advancement. Positive change. Money! The number 6 speaks to finding and maintaining balance. Remember, balance is subjective to the individual and not a shared energy unless there is some sort Soul Destined Contract inclusive of another. Reducing 6 to 3 is finding and maintaining clarity. It can also reveal conflict, chaos and mess brought on by outside 3rd party energies. Ace of Cups (Divine Unconditional Love) -This energy speaks to one having unconditional love for all beings and walking in peace and harmony with mankind. This energy doesn't require nor suggest that one accepts toxic, low vibrational energies and/or behavior. We can love others unconditionally and still not tolerate nor accept energy that isn't in alignment with ours, for our highest good. Water Sign Energy (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Water Energy speaks to how we love and show affection to others, from within. Keyword (Intuition): Your highest form of intelligence. Perception of the abstract. The answer is within you. Go with your gut! The messages divined here, in each card, can resonate individually and/or collectively. Take that which resonates and leave what doesn't. Mind your business! Being Soul Driven!!
- Daily Spread via Cartomancy 5/3/2023
6 of Cups in the reverse (The Peacemaker) - This energy, in the reverse, speaks about a lack of peace and harmony within one's home or with one's loved ones, family, lover, friends etc. There may be a lot of fights and arguments going on at this time, causing a lack of comfort and ease within the home space. Water Sign Energy (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). The number 4 reveals the foundation space and energy, similar to my Tower Card. The foundation of our belief systems and idealisms. The foundation of our relationships, regardless of what end of the spectrum they fall on. Reducing 4 to 2 is union, companionship and partnership energy. One could be coming into union with self, integrating your masculine and feminine energies, along with you light and shadow aspects. One could also be coming into union with their Divine Counterpart, Soul Tribe or even a lucrative Business Partnership. Reducing 2 to 1 represents our emotional body, new beginnings, self-unconditional love, and self-empowerment. Keyword (Protection): Strength and Determination. Understanding. Standing your ground. Defending yourself and your loved ones. Master Magician - This energy speaks to one coming into mastery over their lives and Purpose in Design, on a Soul level. This energy is in control of self, regardless of outside 3rd party energies and their influence, directly or indirectly. All elements and zodiac signs are found within this energy, along with masculine, feminine, light and shadow aspects. The number 6 speaks to finding and maintaining balance. Reducing 6 to 3 is finding and maintaining clarity. It can also reveal conflict, confusion, chaos and mess brought on by outside 3rd party energies. Keyword (Unconsciousness): Your deepest level of consciousness, a pool of desires, dreams, spirituality, and emotions. Something hidden, a trickster. 4 of Wands in the reverse (Temperance) - This energy, in the reverse, speaks to a lack of temperance and balance between practicality and logic and working in balanced energy with one's spiritual and creative gifts, emotionality and divine knowledge and wisdom. This energy can also reveal a false (karmic) twin flame connection. Fire Sign Energy (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries). Keyword (Time): The framework of your life. Past, present and future regarded as a whole. To plan, schedule, or arrange when (something) should happen. The number 6 speaks to finding and maintaining balance. Reducing 6 to 3 is finding and maintaining clarity. It can also reveal conflict, confusion, chaos and mess brought on by outside 3rd party energies. The messages divined here, in each card, can resonate individually and/or collectively. Take that which resonates and leave what doesn't. Being Soul Driven!!!
- It's Really Sad How Much Energy These Karmics Put Into Delaying This Divine Union!
Booking: Email - Cash App: $bryceisbryson or $brycebryson Venmo: #souldrivensoulintended
- Encouragement
No matter what it is you're going through, in life, you can come out of it! Sometimes, you just have to realize that the game of life is Chess and not Checkers! You got this luv! Study the lay out of your foundation and make the best calculated moves possible! You're more than a conqueror!! Being Soul Driven ❤️💪🏾💯
- Daily Spread via Cartomancy 5/2/2023
9 of Cups (Desiring) - This energy speaks to one having the desire to move to the next level of a relationship, with someone. If you're dating, one wants to become more monogamous. If one is already in a monogamous relationship, then they may want to move in together etc. Water Sign Energy (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). The number 4 represents the foundation space and energy, similar to my Tower Card. The foundation of our idealisms and belief systems, relationships and even business partnerships. Reducing 4 to 2 is union, companionship and partnership energy. This union could be on a Soul level, integrating our masculine and feminine energies, light and shadow aspects. This could also speak to reconciliations, on any end of the spectrum. This energy can also speak to romantic pairings, as well as, business partnerships. Reducing 2 to 1 represents our emotional body, leadership energy, new beginnings, self-unconditional love and self-empowerment. Keyword (Animus): Getting in touch with your logical thinking. A situation that should be evaluated with rational thinking instead of emotion. Masculine energy. 3 of Cups in the reverse (The Player) - With this card coming out in the reverse, it speaks to someone walking away from a third party situationship or entanglement. It could also speak to self being the player in a situation. Water Sign Energy (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). The number 3 reveals finding and maintaining clarity. It can also reveal conflict, confusion, chaos and mess brought on by outside 3rd party energies. Keyword (Forsight): The gift of perceiving hidden aspects of the world. Mystical strength. Cartomancy. An event in the future. 9 of Swords in the reverse (The Death Card) - With this card coming out in the reverse, it speaks to some sort of inner finality or strong inner conflict resolution. It can also speak to someone sending death energy your way, or even self feeling suicidal. Air Sign Energy (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius). The number 4 represents the foundation space and energy, similar to my Tower Card. The foundation of our idealisms and belief systems, relationships and even business partnerships. Reducing 4 to 2 is union, companionship and partnership energy. This union could be on a Soul level, integrating our masculine and feminine energies, light and shadow aspects. This could also speak to reconciliations, on any end of the spectrum. This energy can also speak to romantic pairings, as well as, business partnerships. Reducing 2 to 1 represents our emotional body, leadership energy, new beginnings, self-unconditional love and self-empowerment. The messages here, in each card, can resonate individually and/or collectively. Take that which resonates and leave what doesn't. Being Soul Driven!
- They Tried It and It's an EPIC FAIL!!!
For Bookings: Email - Cash App $brycebryson or $bryceisbryson Venmo: souldrivensoulintended
- Daily Spread via Cartomancy (Evening Edition) 5/1/2023
Page of Swords (Undercover Agent) - This energy speaks to someone working undercover, behind the scenes to bring one justice and judication. This is someone who is working for the legal system, in some capacity and is gathering evidence to bring forth. Air Sign Energy (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius). Keyword (Herald of Discovery): Person who promotes interest in something. Explorer. Visionary. Visitor from abroad. A sign that something new is coming, possibly a boyfriend. The number 4 represents one's foundation space and energy, similar to the Tower Card energy. This represents our belief systems, idealisms and the foundation of our relationships on all ends of the spectrum. Reducing 4 to 2 is union, companionship and partnership energy. Coming into union with self, or another individual...again regardless of what end of the spectrum. There can also be lucrative business partnerships ahead. Reducing 2 to 1 is our emotional body, leadership energy, new beginnings, self-unconditional love and self-empowerment. 3 of Wands in the reverse (The Battle) - This energy, in the reverse, speaks to some sort of internal battle or warfare that one is experiencing spiritually, creatively and/or emotionally. This can also reflect self being the cause or instigator of an argument, fight, battle or spiritual warfare against another. Fire Sign Energy (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries). Keyword (Existence): The human experience in the world. To interact with all aspects of your surroundings. To be social. The number 3 represents finding and maintaining clarity. It can also reveal conflict, confusion, chaos and mess brought on by outside 3rd party energy. Ace of Cups (Unconditional Love) - This energy speaks to one having and showing unconditional to all, inclusively. This unconditional love doesn't mean accepting and/or tolerating low vibrational energy and actions from another. Water Sign Energy (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Keyword (Intuition): Your higher form of intelligence. Perception of the abstract. The answer is within you. Go with your gut! The number 6 represents finding and maintaining balance. Reducing 6 to 3 is finding and maintaining clarity. It can also reveal conflict, confusion, chaos and mess brought on by outside 3rd party energies. The messages divined here, in each card, can resonate individually and/or collectively. Take that which resonates and leave what doesn't.
- These Karmics Are About to LEARN!
To Book any Soul Driven Service: Email - Website Info: Cash App: $brycebryson or $bryceisbryson Venmo: #souldrivensoulintended
- Daily Spread 4/29/2023 via Cartomancy
Page of Swords in Reverse (The Narcissist): The energy within this card, in the reverse, is purely that of a narcissist. The beholder of this energy could be young, doesn't have to be but at the very least has very juvenile energy. This energy specializes in gas lighting, triangulation used with various other tactics in order to separate one from their right mind. Air Sign Energy (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius). Keyword (Herald of Discovery): Person who promotes interest in something. Explorer. Visionary. Visitor from abroad. A sign that something new is coming. A boyfriend. The number 3 talks about finding and maintaining clarity. It can also reveal conflict, confusion, chaos and mess brought on by outside 3rd party energy. Page of Cups (Cupid): This energy talks about a new love interest and/or having a new pure love for someone; young love. Water Sign Energy (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Keyword (Herald of the Heart): Mystical messenger. Someone who brings people together.. The visit of a loved one. Matchmaker. The number 4 talks about the foundation space and energy. Is the foundation you're building on sound and sturdy or is it faulty and shaky? This number is very similar to The Tower Card, in terms of belief systems and old idealisms being torn down to built on a new stronger foundation. Reducing 4 to 2 is union, companionship, partnership energy. This could be familial, romantic, platonic, soul-tribe or a business partnership. Reducing 2 to 1 is our emotional body, leadership energy, new beginnings, self-conditional love and self-empowerment. 4 of Swords in the Reverse (Insanity): The energy behind this card, in its reverse energy is that of insanity. Someone is bat-shit crazy and could be very dangerous. This energy and the beholder has no basis in reality nor an anchor. Stay far away!!! Air Sign Energy (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius). Keyword (Crossroads): Dilemma. A choice between multiple options. Use logic to make the right choice. A challenge. The messages here, in each card, can resonate individually and/or collectively. Take that which resonates and leave what doesn't. Being Soul Driven!!
- Daily Spread via Cartomancy 4/26/2023
3 of Swords (The Player): This card and energy reveals someone who is in player energy or a wannabe player. The beholder of this energy often involves others in situationships and usually has no loyalty towards either parties they've included within this entanglement. This energy is not faithful and is often times running the streets with all types of folk simply running amuck and breaking hearts, along the way! On the other hand, when it resonates, this card can also reveal a time to celebrate and/or an addition to one's family...someone could be pregnant!!! Water Sign Energy (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Keyword (Forsight): The gift of perceiving hidden aspects of the world. Mystical strength. event in the future. The number 2 is the energy of union, companionship and partnership. Reducing 2 to 1 is the emotional body, new beginnings, leadership energy, self-unconditional love and self-empowerment. 5 of Pentacles (The Currency Exchange): This talks about a change coming within one's finances, business endeavors and also one's real estate. These changes are usually positive and for one's highest good and expansion. Earth Sign Energy (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus). Keyword (Nature): The collective experience of the physical world. The cycle of life. Environmental factors. The simple things in life. Grounded! The number 3 talks about finding and maintaining clarity. It can also reveal conflict, confusion, chaos and mess brought on by outside 3rd party energies. 7 of Swords in the Reverse (The Exposer): This energy talks about self being exposed. This typically refers to one's true divinity being revealed to a community, after the person has been lied on and ridiculed by karmic energies. This can also be the energy of self doing the exposing of others. Regardless, truths are being revealed behind this energy karmic or not. Air Sign Energy (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius). Keyword (Foolishness): Lacking judgment, not thinking straight. Recklessness. A bad decision. Loss of pride or of something dear to you. The number 5 talks about upcoming changes for one's highest good and expansion. The energies within each card can resonate individually or collectively. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Being Soul Driven!!!!
- Daily Spread via Cartomancy 4/25/2023
4 of Pentacles (The Inheritor): This card is that of a birthright and/or inheritance owed to someone or even self. This inheritance can be pending or is on its way to you! It's important to be mindful of the people and energies you keep around you. Some people can sense your inheritance from miles away and will target you! On the dice, the number 3 represents finding and maintaining clarity where there once was or still is conflict, confusion, chaos and mess brought on by outside 3rd party energy. With 3 coming out under the 4 of Pentacles, it tells me that some 3rd party energies have been hard at work trying to prevent Divine Femme/Masculine from obtaining their inheritance! It's time to call back your energy and everything that is rightfully yours! Earth Sign Energy (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus). Ace of Cups (Universal Love): The energy here speaks all about having and showing unconditional love to the masses...being that beacon of light and love. It doesn't mean nor require one to always accept or make excuses for others' low vibrational ways but to look at things from a higher perspective, with and in unconditional love. On the dice, the 4 represents the foundation space and energy. The foundation of our belief systems and idealisms, our relationships and even our career paths. Reducing 4 to 2 is union, companionship and partnership energy. This could be coming into union with self, family, soul tribe, or even a business partnership. Reducing 2 to 1 speaks to our emotional body, leadership energy, new beginnings and self-unconditional love and self-empowerment. Water Sign Energy (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). 6 of Pentacles in Reverse (The Stabilizer): With this card coming out in the reverse, it speaks on one being financially irresponsible and unable to handle money matters with ease and finesse. This is giving "robbing Peter to pay Paul" type of energy. On the dice, the number 5 represents upcoming changes which are usually for one's highest good and evolution. In this case, it looks like one is or will be becoming more financially responsible and making better choices with their funds' appropriation. Earth Sign Energy (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus). The messages in each card can resonate individually and/or collectively. Take that which resonates and leave that which doesn't! Being Soul Driven!!
- I've watched Mortal Kombat Too Many Times! For The Lin Coy!!!
For Bookings, Email: Website: Divine Birthright Podcast Bonus Link: