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Many are called but few are Chosen!

As far back as I can recall and I had an innate inner knowing that set apart and different and it never that I was better than anyone...I was just different and have gifts and the awareness it set me apart. I didn't fit it nor was I ever supposed to.

As challenging as it is, was or could be it's possible with the right support you can learn early on how to honor these differences (that which makes unique and beautiful in our individual ways) learn to use them not only for our highest good and expansion in self-unconditional love, forgiveness and awareness but for others same as well, showing others there is a better way. If not by our example, at least we have created a blueprint or protype to apply our methods and calibrate for their own path.

The road less traveled and is rarely known is of times the most amazing ones.

It's ok to break away from societal norms, shatter the matrix (without the disrespect, toxicity and detriment to one, others and especially self).

It's time we take a stand (together) and effectively usher in the movement of New Earth, Light and Unconditional Love.

If you don't want to that's fine and it's your business and it's right to do so but don't attempt to stop those of us who taken up the mantle, especially my fellow Chosen Ones.

I love you all unconditionally and call my Soul Tribe into Soul Driven, Soul Intended action!


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