Duality vs Oneness
When you walk and move in the energy of duality (which we were born into), you separate yourself from true Divinity, which operates in the form of Oneness!
In this energy, you are not separate from yourself nor anyone else!
With an integrated focus of Oneness, you realize and acknowledge that you cannot possibly exist with one, without the other!
In order for there to be light, there must be shadow!
In order for there to be Masculine, there has to be Feminine!
There is no up without a down, as so above as below!
The are many different functions within the body, that each have their own integral role to play.
When there is a wrench in the works of any integral part of the body, that's when a breakdown occurs within our physical vessel that hinders the oneness within.
Separating yourself from one, in order to cater to the other can cause a spiritual malfunction, on a Soul Level!
Be Soul Driven, Soul Intended 🧿 ♥️ ♣️ ♦️ ♠️ ✨️