Divine Timing Spread: 7/18/2023
Page of Cups (Reverse) The Cupid Card: This energy is all about a false cup of love being offered to an individuals and/or individuals. I'm picking up on an energy of someone making this same offer to several people.
I'm picking up on polyamorus energy but a karmic version of such. Based on whatever an agreed arrangement is, within a poly relationship, this individual would not honor it or those involved.
I'm picking up on a small private "in-house trafficking* under the guise of these poly relationships.
Water Sign Energy: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Keyword (s): Herald of the Heart - Consider this message a warning, so says Spirit.
Soul Driven Numerology - 5 speaks about upcoming changes usually meant for the higher good and expansion of those in vibrational alignment.
2 of Pentacles (Reverse) The Business Partner: This is the energy of an inept individual who has the potential to run a business or corporate project into the ground. Ruins.
This can also be the energy of a literal thief, depending on one's situation and how the energy resonates.
At the end of the day, this isn't trustworthy energy whether their intentions are karmic or not. One can have good intentions but still not be qualified.
Earth Sign Energy: Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus
Keyword (s): Innocence (This energy tells me someone has been framed for theft or embezzlement).
Soul Driven Numerology - 1 reveals our emotionality and how we're feeling, within ourselves, about things we've experienced or are currently experiencing.
It also speaks about self-unconditional love and empowerment, as well as, coming into leadership energy along with new beginnings.
9 of Cups (Upright) Desire: This energy is about having the desire to reconcile or to be with someone romantically. They want to move to the next level in the relationship with you.
Someone may want to propose marriage, whether it's premature or not.
This could possibly even be a case of unrequited love.
I'm hearing an insatiable desire, for a select few so be careful out there because for those in this scenario, it has the potential to turn into obsession.
Keyword (s): Animus - Anitpathy, antagonism and ill will and intent. This energy is definitely obsessed!
Water Sign Energy: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Soul Driven Numerology: 5 speaks about upcoming changes usually meant for the higher good and expansion of those in vibrational alignment.