Divine Time: Spread 8/26/2023
4 of Pentacles (Upright) The Inheritor - This card and energy is regarding your birthright and inheritance!
There is a Divine Birthright and Inheritance out there for you and is available and attainable by following your Divine Path and Soul Driven Purpose in Design.
Not only does this birthright and inheritance include finance and property, it also includes ones purpose and their divine counterpart/kingdom spouse.
Good health!
Earth Sign Energy: Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus
Soul Driven Numerology: The energies behind the number 1 is about self-unconditional love and empowerment, our emotionality, leadership and new beginnings.
Keyword: Family - Bonded on a soul level, blood relatives or not.
Soul Driven Channeled Messages: Anime - Someone is being called into a leadership position regarding an anime production. These individuals could be getting ready to (if not already) be place into this position. This could be by divine right of inheritance or being seen for the hard work you've been doing.
King of Wands (Upright) The High Priest - Divine Masculine energy (regardless of gender) who is taking action towards their Purpose in Design by following their intuitive promptings, creative sparks and divine knowledge and wisdom within one's emotionality.
This energy is trustworthy and also has a calling towards being a spiritual teacher, guide, coach, ambassador and advocate for not only themselves but others as well; humanitarian.
This King of Wands energy could also be taking action regarding spiritual warfare waged against them. It's also possible (in some cases) that this energy is taking action and moving towards their divine counterpart.
Fire Sign Energy: Leo, Sagittarius, Aries
Soul Driven Numerology: Here the number 2 has energies of union, companionship and partnership. These energies aren't only regulated that of romance but can also include familial, platonic, soul-tribe and business potential.
One could also be balancing out and integrating their light and shadow aspects, along with their masculine and feminine energies alternating between these energies seamlessly, when appropriate and necessary.
Further reducing 2 to 1 is about self-unconditional love and empowerment, our emotionality, leadership and new beginnings.
Keyword: Chief of Eternity - I'm picking up on energies for individuals, on their divine path, who are being called to or are considered gatekeepers of synchronistic events which pertain to time and sequence.
Soul Driven Channeled Message: Omega (Reverse) - This energy (High Priest) is no longer considered last or to be last. This energy is continuously rising higher and is ascending on a soul level.
Regarding business and other opportunities where they may have been considered last are no longer last but coming into Alpha energy.
4 of Swords (Reverse) The Mentality: With this card coming out in the reverse, it suggests someone is bat-shit crazy...insane.
This type of energy and person tends to do the same thing, the same way repeatedly and always expects different outcomes from these actions...this is the textbook definition of insanity.
A secondary energy here is that someone is relentless regarding their will to hurt and/or destroy others for delusional reasons. Beware of those in this energy!
Air Sign Energy: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius
Soul Driven Numerology: The number 6 talks about finding and maintaining balance, which is subjective to the individual and their purpose.
Reducing 6 to 3 is finding and maintaining clarity where there once was or still is conflict, confusion, chaos and mess brought on by outside 3rd party energies.
Keyword: Crossroads - Both the karmic and divine are respectively at a crossroad and must make a decision that will affect both of their outcomes.
Divine beings who are gatekeepers are often found at or near these crossroads.
Soul Driven Channeled Messages: 420 - Marijuana could be a significant for those who need to ground or become grounded. Relax, relate, release!
I'm also picking up that a Taurus or Taurus season (4/20) could be also significant to those who resonate.
420 also brings energies of balancing things out 4+2=6
These messages divined here can resonate individually and/or collectively. Take that which resonates and leave what doesn't.
Being Soul Driven!