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Divine Time: Spread 8/21/2023

3 of Cups (Upright) The Player - This card and energy is typically that of a masculine energy (male or female) who has involved someone in a third-party relationship, without their knowledge and is "playing the field" so to speak and could be true for those that resonate, in this scenario.

When looking at the rest of the cards and based on the General Timeless Intuitive Collective Readings I put out on yesterday, this energy is that of celebration regarding a Divine Union (I'll get to that energy momentarily) and birthing a creation together, regardless if it's a physical or spiritual manifestation.

In the depiction of the card, someone seeing the cards dealt to them and from those cards are realizing their Divine Feminine Counterpart...their Kingdom Spouse!

Water Sign Energy: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Soul Driven Numerology: The number 1 speaks about self-unconditional love and empowerment, our emotionality (how we feel about the things occurring in our lives and around us), leadership energy and new beginnings!

Keyword: Clairvoyance - The ability to see beyond the 3D realm. A divine gift of foresight; prophecy. One who is clairvoyant and has the ability to see what most can't. Sight beyond sight.

Channeled Messages: Musician (reverse) - At least one of the two, within this pairing, isn't musically inclined and isn't particularly creative within this particular set of creative arts. They most definitely have other talents elsewhere.

5 of Cups (Upright) The Shifter - Someone is either contemplating or are making a move (shifting) towards a new beginning and this new beginning can be on an individual basis or one that includes another (counterpart).

There is an overwhelming (in a good way) energy of someone coming towards another with love and the desire to have a new beginning together. A new relationship with one's Kingdom Spouse.

Considering the 3 of Cups and adding that here to the 5 of Cups is giving me 8 of Cups energy...The Social Butterfly. So, this tells me that a Divine Love is emerging into union.

Water Sign Energy: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Soul Driven Numerology: The number 1 speaks about self-unconditional love and empowerment, our emotionality (how we feel about the things occurring in our lives and around us), leadership energy and new beginnings!

Keyword: Parenthood - The birthing of...

Channeled Messages: The Shapeshifter (Upright) - This energy that's moving towards someone could be an energy of a shapeshifter. This energy is in the upright so this isn't a low-vibrational or toxic energy. This energy is able to shift and melt into any environment required of it.

Page of Swords (Upright) The Undercover Agent - This energy is all about someone working undercover to bring one justice and judication!

This energy is one that works within the confines of the legal system and can even be that of the spiritual realm...a Spiritual Undercover Agent.

Above all, this energy is about uncovering dirty deeds and working for and towards justice.

Air Sign Energy: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius

Soul Driven Numerology: The number 4 is about one's foundation space and energy.

The foundation of our belief systems and idealisms, relationships (from all ends of the spectrum), businesses and career endeavors etc.

The number 4 can also represent things from a material nature, earth type energy. Something or someone could be in the midst of shifting or making a shift.

Reducing 4 to 2 is union, companionship and partnership energy.

One could be coming into union with self, integrating one's light and shadow aspects, along with their masculine and feminine energy or coming into union with their Kingdom Spouse or reconciling with loved ones (from all ends of the spectrum).

Further reducing 2 to 1 speaks about self-unconditional love and empowerment, our emotionality (how we feel about the things occurring in our lives and around us), leadership energy and new beginnings!

Keyword: Hearld of Discovery - This is about bringing a message of discovering to another or being a messenger. One who discovers and then brings forth the message of. A messenger.

Channeled Message: Surrender to the process (reverse) - There may be some uncertainty here, due to not knowing whether or not things will be reciprocated for a desired outcome. Uncertain outcomes...

The messages divined here, in each card, can resonate individually and/or collectively. Take that which resonates and leave what doesn't.

Being Soul Driven, Soul Intended

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