Daily Spread via Cartomancy 7/7/2023
Greetings to all! I'm now returning to my Daily Spreads, after much needed time to heal and recuperate!
Let's start things off with...
The 5 of Cups (The Mover and Shaker) - This card and energy is about someone (an outside energy) moving away from and/or distancing themselves, from loved ones. These loved ones can be family, close friends, lovers and or spouse/partner.
This move can have something to do with how someone's affection or lack thereof is affecting the betterment of one's life, love and home aspects and relationships.
This move could alsombe towards a place that has a lot of water, ocean.
For some, it can be an easy choice that one is looking forward to. Others, it's a choice that they have been toiling over and could be causing some pain and turmoil, but they still know this is for the best.
Water Sign Energy: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
The number 3 talks about finding and maintaining clarity where there once was conflict, confusion, chaos and mess brought on by outside 3rd party energy.
Moving on to the 2 of Cups (The Broken Heart) - With this card coming out in the reverse, this speaks to someone being broken-hearted and hurting. This could be one of either party or both.
There is definitely pain regarding one's affection for another and a sense of disappointment and lack of what's needed regarding the sense of feeling and being loved.
Water Sign Energy: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
The number 4 talks about one's foundation space and energy. The grounding of one's belief systems, idealisms and/or relationships.
Reducing 4 to 2 talks about union, companionship and partnership energy.
Further reducing 2 to 1 speaks to self-unconditional love and self-empowerment, leadership energy, our emotional body and new beginnings.
Lastly, we have the 5 of Swords (The Break Up Artist) - This is a clear indication of an outside energy walking away from a relationship, a possible marriage has ended and that person is moving on!
Air Sign Energy: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini
The number 3 talks about finding and maintaining clarity where there once was conflict, confusion, chaos and mess brought on by outside 3rd party energy.
The messages here can resonate individually and/or collectively. Take that which resonates and leave what doesn't.
Being Soul Driven!