Daily Spread via Cartomancy 4/26/2023
3 of Swords (The Player): This card and energy reveals someone who is in player energy or a wannabe player. The beholder of this energy often involves others in situationships and usually has no loyalty towards either parties they've included within this entanglement.
This energy is not faithful and is often times running the streets with all types of folk simply running amuck and breaking hearts, along the way!
On the other hand, when it resonates, this card can also reveal a time to celebrate and/or an addition to one's family...someone could be pregnant!!!
Water Sign Energy (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).
Keyword (Forsight): The gift of perceiving hidden aspects of the world. Mystical strength. Cartomancy...an event in the future.
The number 2 is the energy of union, companionship and partnership.
Reducing 2 to 1 is the emotional body, new beginnings, leadership energy, self-unconditional love and self-empowerment.
5 of Pentacles (The Currency Exchange): This talks about a change coming within one's finances, business endeavors and also one's real estate. These changes are usually positive and for one's highest good and expansion.
Earth Sign Energy (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus).
Keyword (Nature): The collective experience of the physical world. The cycle of life. Environmental factors. The simple things in life. Grounded!
The number 3 talks about finding and maintaining clarity. It can also reveal conflict, confusion, chaos and mess brought on by outside 3rd party energies.
7 of Swords in the Reverse (The Exposer): This energy talks about self being exposed. This typically refers to one's true divinity being revealed to a community, after the person has been lied on and ridiculed by karmic energies.
This can also be the energy of self doing the exposing of others. Regardless, truths are being revealed behind this energy karmic or not.
Air Sign Energy (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius).
Keyword (Foolishness): Lacking judgment, not thinking straight. Recklessness. A bad decision. Loss of pride or of something dear to you.
The number 5 talks about upcoming changes for one's highest good and expansion.
The energies within each card can resonate individually or collectively. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Being Soul Driven!!!!