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An Energetic Acquistion With Karmic Intent!

So it looks like we're dealing with affairs of the heart, on today!

We have something that's of equal give and take, very reciprocal and passionate that is coming into fruition in this Now Presence time and space continuum.

It appears that this something new, hot and heavy was birthed after some sort of grief and loss.

This grief and loss, for some, could be of passed on loved ones and for others this is a romantic connection that is being mourned.

For those that resonate with the latter energy, a toxic energetical tie came to an end due to the new perspective and freedom that one has found pertaining to energetical collaborations.

Someone has now discovered a new outlook on what a romantic connection, along with any other relationship or connection should resemble respectively.

By discovering and enforcing boundaries, where there once were none now transmuting the balance, standing on business in what they will and will not tolerate within any given connection, but especially that of romance...Someone has discovered their worth and because of that discovery, they're now able to embark on something that's going to be equally beneficial to both parties involved.

There is someone on the outside though, looking in with a whole lot of should've, could've, would've regarding the person (you) that they have now lost out on.

This karmic individual spends a lot of time harboring ill will and intentions towards you, due to their own short comings and failures being projected onto you through lies, rumors and deceit, which caused a lot of chaos and brutality in not only your life, regarding how people related to and viewed you but it also had unforeseen ramifications for the other parties involved.

Taking a look at things, from the perspective of Cartomancy, it appears this karmic energy is further exacerbated from a place of insecurity regarding this love offer coming in.

I'm channeling heavy monitoring spirits energy, including someone that is extremely voyeuristic when it comes to the personal things you have going on in your life at this time, especially regarding people that want to have a romantic rendezvous with you.

Looking at the next card, it confirms the channeled energies of some sort of Coven or Dark Occultic activities in place to help stand against this union, attempting to cause endings and delays!

Although there's evil eye energy, from a plethora of directions not only limited to the ones specifically mentioned here, there is someone specifically that feels isolated and separate from you.

This person is particularly obsessed with you and your energy.

This is someone who once had close and personal contact with you on some level, that sparked a connection between one another.

The chances of this connection growing into something more, even something spectacular was immediately stifled because of the intentions this person already had coming into the situation.

They are fully aware that this is the reason they're being blocked from having any direct access to you and is still willing to win at all cost, with this unbridled ambition to own you.

This is someone that views you as someone to be acquired, owned and controlled.

This is nothing more than an Energetical Acquisition with karmic intent.

The expectations that this individual has is completely unrealistic and has no basis in logic!

However, they will continue their attempts until they're stopped, by Divine measures.

Nevertheless, you're continuing to grow and expand, moving onto bigger, better and more divine things.

Your opposers, on the other hand are heading in the exact opposite direction from you...into complete and utter ruin!

Although these energies stemmed from a toxic sense of ego and entitlement to that which does not rightfully belong to them, The Divine wants you to utilize this time to transmute this energy and have it work for your highest good and expansion, first by taking pride in this victory because it is something to be proud of, as you have stood many tests and came out victorious!

Be mindful, yet unencumbered by the opps that are being warned to lay down their weapons, or perish. These people are fools following up behind other fools, doing foolish things! Their trying to get in good, don't be foolish!

Now with the Numerology, on my dice we have 666, which contrary to popular belief is indictive of prosperity and good luck being on your side.

In some sectors though, the number 666 is considered to be a bad omen and associated with evil energy and it's connection with the Antichrist.

We also have 6th House and 4th House Energies, Virgo and Mercury being disciplined in your schedules, routines with fitness and business. We're dealing with illusions, things done behind the scenes coming to light! Cancer and The Moon.

Regardless, take the energy how it resonates from that which you embody and operate from.

Be Soul Driven, Soul Intended!

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